Webinar: managing container applications in the cloud

The second part of a series of webinars dealing with the practical use of container solutions in practice is focused on effective management of container applications. The webinar is especially prepared for IT managers and IT infrastructure administrators who are interested in current technologies and are looking for a way to ensure sufficient robustness and failure-free and cost-effective operation of the enterprise infrastructure.

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[What was that all about?]

Need to start managing containerized applications in the cloud?

Looking for a tool to make application management cheaper and more efficient?

Are you thinking about an easily scalable and failover solution because your existing infrastructure no longer meets the requirements for reliable operation?

We invite you to a webinar where we will discuss the benefits of container architecture, introduce effective tools for managing containerized applications, and share tips from practice.

Webinar programme:

  • Kubernetes and their role in architecture
  • Monolithic disnosaurus vs. container future 
  • Benefits of managing containerised applications in the cloud
  • Introducing a modern tool for managing cloud-native containerized applications
  • Practical demonstration of management and monitoring of deployed applications (backups, updates)
  • Best practice - examples from practice 
  • The most common mistakes when managing applications

Benefits of the webinar:

  • Advantages of container architecture and suitability of its use
  • Tips for effective container application management 
  • You will learn how to work with a modern platform that facilitates application management in the cloud
  • Find out how to make IT infrastructure operation and management cheaper

[Who could you see?]

Michal Novák
Head of Customer Success, taikun.cloud
Jiří Hýbek
CEO, Hexio
Jiří Šrámek
IT Project Manager, Swiss Life Select

[Partners of the event]

[Are you interested in sending me a recording?]

We will send you the record no later than the next working day after you submit the form.
Contact form (event record)

Roman Tvrdý
Marketing Manager
+420 776 626 899