IT Conference Tier III Premium Data Care Customer Experience

Discover the difference between regular data center services and SafeDX Server Hotel. Watch a recording of the [Tier III Premium Data Care Customer Experience] conference presentations, learn more about SafeDX data center services, how to optimally manage and modernize your IT infrastructure, and how to achieve greater efficiency at lower costs.

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[What was that all about?]

Learn about highly affordable Tier III premium care and new products from our partners Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Intel. Find out how to efficiently upgrade your IT infrastructure without the need for capital investment through the HPE GreenLake. Discover the power of processor computing power Intel and security policies in the cloud. Find out what co-financing opportunities are currently available from the experts at enovation, to help you secure financing for your projects.

Tier III Premium Data Care is a comprehensive package of services that includes the SafeDX Server Hotel program, HPE GreenLake, and support in obtaining funding from announced operational programs.


  • SafeDX Server Hotel - Michal Teršl, SafeDX
  • The new freedom in IT: As a Service - Tomáš Kubát, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • Performance and security in the cloud - Nicola Reina, Intel
  • Effective financing of digital business transformation - Marek Vaculík, enovation
  • Tier III Premium Data Care Customer Experience - Juraj Horváth, Foxconn

[Who could you see?]

Michal Teršl
Tomas Kubat
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Nicola Reina
Marek Vaculik
Juraj Horváth

[Partners of the event]

[Are you interested in sending me a recording?]

We will send you the record no later than the next working day after you submit the form.
Contact form (event record)

Roman Tvrdý
Marketing Manager
+420 776 626 899