Data centre: who will use its services?

By enabling the storage, management and processing of data and applications, the data centre is used by a wide variety of organisations. Its advantages are appreciated by any entity that works with large volumes of data and sensitive data.

The data centre is responsible for ensuring the availability of the data, as well as the security and integrity of the data.

The data centre will be used by companies and healthcare facilities. Who else?

Large and medium-sized companies use data centres to store and manage enterprise data, applications and servers. But they are not the only ones. Data centres are also used by medical facilities for the storage of medical records, image data and the operation of medical IS. Financial institutions, government bodies, educational institutions, telecommunications companies and others also work with large volumes of sensitive data.

Looking for a data center in Prague?

If you're looking for a reliable data center, you've come to the right place. SafeDX is a secure and very accessible data center in Prague Vysočany. We believe that local data storage in a known and accessible location, safe access to authorised persons 24/7 and the commuting distance of 20 minutes from all office centers in Prague will be appreciated. Contact our specialists for more information.