Backup tips

You work with data every day in your company. That's why we at SafeDX have put our heads together and prepared Tips for data backup and company cybersecuritythat we're sure you'd like to read before your data disappears into a black hole and the future of your business hangs in the balance.

Cyber threats are nothing new under the sunbut lately, they've literally been tearing it up. That's why data backup is becoming more and more common. But cyber threats aren't the only thing that can put your data at risk. If cybersecurity isn't exactly your hobby, it's quite possible that you'll start to get interested in it "in five twelve"... and for some, even later. Let's change that together.

Data backup is not a platitude

The first question to answer is "Why?". Because backing up your data is not a boring chore, it's not homework or a mandatory warm-up. It's a measure that can help you realistically save money. A lot of money. And a lot of stress. Data loss is always associated with the need for a huge investment. If a cybercrook steals/encrypts/deletes your data, you lose information, X hours of work and reputation. Plus you'll have to deal with everything asap.

Change the mindset

Even so, many organizations today view data backup as a "necessary evil" and want to get it done as quickly and cheaply as possible. Unfortunately, there is no universal "box solution" for data backup. Every business is different. It has different weaknesses, different priorities, uses different applications that are critical to its operation ... that's why at SafeDX we approach each client and their needs completely individually. The first tip we have for you when it comes to data backup is: Change the mindset. Don't look at backup as something annoying and delaying, but think of it as a process, giving you - your company - peace of mind and the ability to focus on your own business.

Good old 3-2-1

I think every IT guy knows what's going on. The 3-2-1 rule is notorious in IT. Still, it's worth repeating. For each piece of data you want to back up, create 3 copies, store these on at least 2 types of storage and back up at least 1 copy off-site.

Segment the internal network

In the world of medicine, sometimes it pays to remove the affected tissue. Could something like this be done with a corporate network? In the event of a cyberattack, the infection can spread surprisingly quickly. Not to spread instantly throughout the internal network, we recommend to segment it. After segmentation, only one section of the network will be attacked and that's still better than the whole network, what do you think?


Cyber attackers never sleep and cyber threats are evolving at rocket speed. That's why it should be a matter of course for every company regularly update all devicesincluding operating systems, firmware, etc., to ensure everything meets the latest cybersecurity standards.

Train the team

Internal training is not the most popular in companies - or are we wrong? But in cybersecurity, their importance is crucial. They are often nhe weakest link in corporate security is the users. Your employees and external staff should not:

  • use the same passwords for all services
  • use business email for private matters
  • opening suspicious email attachments, clicking on risky links and opening unknown attachments (and you should in turn train them on the latest cyber threats, phishing trends, etc.)

When choosing a datacenter, pay attention to security issues

In business, we are interested in numbers, performance, speed, cost savings... When choosing a datacenter, it should also play a role level of security. We protect our Prague datacenter compliant with TIA942/Tier III standards in all respects. We allow access only to authorized persons based on biometric data, we protect servers in lockable PODs with controlled access, we redundantly secure against power and connection failures and we are not affected by fire or flood.

And because we know that, despite the fact that we put it on your heart that safety is a priority, we know that you're also concerned about the costs, we'll say something about those as well. Our datacenter represents an economical and flexible option for the location and operation of your infrastructure. It is no exaggeration to say that it will bring significant cost reductions to your business. In the case of hardware upgrades or planned infrastructure expansion, you will not have to invest, but you can make do with a low monthly rental payment according to your requirements. If you are interested in how we do it, please contact our specialists.

How are you doing with infrastructure security in your company? Is it a necessary evil or an absolute must-have? Do you leave everything to the IT department or do you involve all employees? What do you think - what's the right answer? We hope you have found our Tips for data backup and cybersecurity to the benefit of and contribute to the growth of your business.